Sign Document
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Delete Row
Company Information
First Representative
Second Representative
Submission Date
field type date
Submission Month
field type number
Submission Year
field type number
Company TIN No
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type number
Complete Registration Link
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Registration ID
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
MDS Registration File Link
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
UPS Registration File Link
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Reg Validation Code
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Registration Category
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
CQS Registration Num
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Warning !
field type multi line
You can not register with same TIN twice.
Submit Registration Message
field type multi line
Thank you for filling out CQS registration form. You have completed the registration process. Your registration form has been submitted for approval. You will be notified after the approval process.
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
field type single line
row 1
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Company Information
Registration Category
field type drop-down
Company TIN Number
field type single line
row 1
Registration Category
field type drop-down
National Oil Company
Company TIN Number
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Company Legal Name
field type single line
row 1
Company Legal Name
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Company Phone number
field type single line
Alternative Phone number
field type single line
row 1
Company Phone number
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Alternative Phone number
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Email Address
field type email
row 1
Email Address
field type email
field type drop-down
field type drop-down
field type single line
row 1
field type drop-down
field type drop-down
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Physical Address
field type multi line
row 1
Physical Address
field type multi line
Petroleum/Natural Gas Operations
Scope/Description of operation
field type drop-down
Facility Location
field type multi line
Row 1
Scope/Description of operation
field type drop-down
Gas and Petroleum Exploration
Petroleum Wholesale Business
Natural Gas Processing
Natural Gas Transmission
Natural Gas Distribution
CNG Operations
Facility Location
field type multi line
+ Add Facility
Supporting Documents
Document Description
field type single line
field type file upload
First Representative
First name
field type single line
Middle name
field type single line
field type single line
row 1
First name
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Middle name
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Representative Position
field type single line
row 1
Representative Position
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Phone number
field type single line
Email Address
field type email
row 1
Phone number
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Email Address
field type email
Representative ID
field type radio button
ID Number
field type single line
Nation ID
field type file upload
Employee's ID
field type file upload
Representative ID
field type radio button
Representative ID
Employee's ID
National ID
ID Number
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Nation ID
field type file upload
Drop files here
Employee's ID
field type file upload
Drop files here
Second Representative
First name
field type single line
Middle name
field type single line
field type single line
row 1
First name
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Middle name
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Representative Position
field type single line
row 1
Representative Position
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Phone number
field type single line
Email Address
field type email
row 1
Phone number
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Email Address
field type email
Representative ID
field type radio button
ID Number
field type single line
Nation ID
field type file upload
Employee's ID
field type file upload
Representative ID
field type radio button
Representative ID
Employee's ID
National ID
ID Number
field type single line
Input blocked. Maximum character limit of 4000 characters reached.
Nation ID
field type file upload
Drop files here
Employee's ID
field type file upload
Drop files here
field type checkbox
field type checkbox
I understand and acknowledge that by checking this box, I legally confirm that the information provided herein is accurate, correct and complete and that the documents submitted along with this application form are genuine.
Registration Submission
Select where you want to submit your registration
field type radio button
Select where you want to submit your registration
field type radio button
Select where you want to submit your registration
Upstream (PURA)
Mid-Downstream (EWURA)
Spam capture please leave empty
Retrieving fields values...
Session Expiring