LSSP Database contains registered local suppliers and service providers of different categories and specializations who are legally eligible to provide goods and services or execute works in the upstream, midstream and downstream petroleum and natural gas sub-sector in Tanzania.
Professionals Database contains all registered Tanzanian professionals who are ready to work in petroleum and natural gas value chain, both locally and internationally.
Common Qualification System (CQS) is a tool intended to streamline standards, capacities and capabilities of suppliers and service providers in order to help licensees, contractors or any other operator who are carrying out petroleum and natural gas activities in Tanzania to obtain eligible local suppliers and services providers for provision of goods, services or execution of works. In other words, CQS is intended to classify and recognize capacities, capabilities, skills, knowledge and competencies of local suppliers and service providers in their respective areas of specialization or expertise. Further, CQS provides a platform for registration of Tanzanian Professionals who intend to work with International Oil Companies within and outside the country. Also, Licensees and Contractors who are carrying out petroleum and natural gas activities in Tanzania are required to submit their Local Content Plans and Local Content Performance Reports to respective authorities for approval. Thus, CQS provides space for electronic filing of such Plans and Reports.

The main objective of CQS is to establish a standard and transparent process for registration of local suppliers and service providers, Tanzanian professionals and electronic filing of local content plans and reports. It is a tool geared to help EWURA and PURA in the monitoring and evaluation of local content performance by licensees, contractors, sub-contractors or any other person carrying out petroleum or natural gas activities in Tanzania. This objective is consistent with the current Government objectives for industrialization, job creation and regulatory framework