LSSP Profile

Green Integration Company Limited

  • Green Integration Company Limited
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry
  • Green Integration Co. Ltd is the private agricultural company specializing in the innovation, design, and distribution of climate-smart agriculture technologies including but not limited to irrigation systems, greenhouses, water harvest and storage systems, post-harvest handling technologies, simple farm machineries, organic agricultural inputs etc. Our company also, is committed to providing capacity building and business development services including but not limited to technical sustainable farming practices, entrepreneurship skills, business management, business plan development, value chain analysis and development etc. The offered products and services targets communities of farmers and other stakeholders along the food chain, aimed at enhancing agricultural sector resilience and food security. Specifically, our clients include development agencies, corporate organizations, SMEs, non-profits, government, academic and research institutions, farmer’s organizations, individual farmers, farmer’s associations etc.
  • 4 - 10
  • 5 years
  • Morogoro
  • Morogoro Mjini
  • LSSP-2024-7-2269
  • 0757 232 035
  • P.O.BOX 6128, Morogoro, Kihonda Bima, Near Morogoro Airport

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