Professional Profile

Nigel Dausen Kimaro

  • Nigel Dausen Kimaro
  • Male
  • Yes
  • Information & Communication
  • Petroleum Engineer
  • As Project Engineer I'm responsible in Monitoring and control the project execution activities and key tasks, to ensure the project progress according to the plan. Provide technical support and guidance to project teams, subcontractors, and installation staff. Clarify design drawings, specifications, and installation details. Resolve technical issues and provide solutions to on-site challenges.Monitor progress, quality, and compliance with project plans, specifications, and timelines. As Petroleum Engineer I was respomsible in Safety and reliability in operations especially down hole well intervention (well surveillance), Reservoir simulation which includes evaluation of potential petroleum reserves.
  • Employed
  • Telecom
  • Masters Degree
  • LPRO-2024-7-212
  • 0715 186 519
  • Dar es salaam

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